» » Ready Series
Ready Series

Durable, lightweight and easily serviceable multipurpose pumps.


Ready pumps handle flows up to 6.5 l/s (100 GPM), heads to 14m (50 ft), and solids up to 38 mm (1.5 in) in diameter. These portable drainage pumps are lightweight and engineered for professional use for construction or industrial sites, manholes or emergency situations.


The Ready series is built to withstand tough jobsite use, removing contaminated water and water containing sand and gravel, with ease. 

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Ready 4 Flygt rental pump
30.00€ Excluding VAT
Ready 4L Flygt rental pump
30.00€ Excluding VAT
Ready 8 Flygt rental pump
30.00€ Excluding VAT
Ready 8S Flygt rental pump
30.00€ Excluding VAT
Number of products : 5

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